Recharting Your Path to Success in 2022


By Chris Mandzufas

Recharting Your Path to Success in 2022

Business leaders in 2021 faced unrelenting challenges.  These included team attraction and retention issues, supply chain disruptions, increases in input costs, managing customer expectations and dealing with COVID.  Yet despite these challenges, many businesses had a financially strong 2021 and are optimistic about 2022. 

All leaders will need to RESET in 2022.  For some, this will mean upskilling and reskilling leadership capabilities put on the back burner for the past two years on topics such as resilience, strategy implementation, profit improvement and coaching teams.  For others, it will be more about how to address attraction and retention challenges and the need to manage a hybrid workforce.  Regardless, leaders will have to stay agile to navigate an environment of evolving customer demand and potential market instability. 

Here are six key insights for business leaders to consider in 2022: 

  1. Lack of time and focus will continue to negatively impact leadership effectiveness. 
    Now is the time to stop putting more business through incapable systems, address time and focus issues with appropriate technology and capability creation.
  2. Embracing a flexible workforce is critical to attraction & retention strategies. 
    Develop new habits and communication styles to stay agile, productive and connected to your team in a hybrid workforce environment.  What in your culture will attract and retain the right people?
  3. Boost resilience by locking in new work/life balance habits. 
    Maintain energy levels by embracing new habits and learning strategies to efficiently balance client, team and family needs. 
  4. Invest in leadership & coaching capabilities to make you a leader worth following. 
    Learn new capabilities in leadership and coaching to effectively manage the team and guide successful implementation of change. 
  5. You’ll need a ‘thriving’ strategy and vision for 2022. 
    Test your strategic SWOT, sustainable competitive advantage, change readiness and strategic priorities against your vision.  What needs to change to ensure you thrive in 2022?
  6. Don’t lose sight of what makes you profitable. 
    Undertake a waste audit to start the ongoing process of waste and inefficiency identification and removal across the business.

For any enquiries please contact us HERE or at or call us on
(08) 6212 7200.


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Chris Mandzufas

Chris Mandzufas

Chris has a diverse range of skills and experience as a result of providing accounting, taxation, advisory board and management consulting services to owners and directors of fast growing businesses.

Chris Smith

Chris Smith has been a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand since 2006, a member of the Tax Institute of Australia since 2013, and a registered Tax Agent since 2018.

Tony Monisse

Tony Monisse

Tony’s key focus is the integration of strategy and financial management. To this end he has developed tools and process that facilitate this integration, including business modelling, target setting and rolling cash flow forecasts.

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