By Tony Monisse
How to Navigate Labour Shortages and Supply Chain Disruptions to Grow Your Business in 2022 and Beyond
In the next few months, businesses will typically engage in a planning cycle for 2022 and beyond on how to grow their business.
This process should include the following steps:
This should include a review of the financial performance of the business for the last three years and setting revenue and profit targets for the next 1-3 years. These targets should take into account the current economic climate and industry conditions. It is important businesses do not confuse sales growth with profit growth – it is more important to grow profit, even if this means reduced or no revenue growth. - DETERMINE THE BUSINESS MODEL
The business should determine:- Where it is going to play i.e. who is its target customer?
- How it is going to win i.e. what is its sustainable competitive advantage?
- What capabilities does it require to win based on where it is going to play?
In the current market where opportunities are plentiful and resources and capabilities are limited, it is important that businesses are laser focused in terms of where they are going to play so that they are able to deliver.
This review will look at factors that will the HELP the business achieve its targets and the factors that will HINDER the business achieving its targets. It is important that businesses focus on the elephants i.e. the factors that are material to the business versus chasing rabbits that are not material to the business. A robust SWOT is critical to deciding the strategies to achieve the targets for the business. If the SWOT is missing any material factors, then strategies set to achieve the targets maybe deficient. - DECIDE STRATEGIES
The strategies selected should:- Enable the company to achieve its targets
- Support the where to play and how to win decisions
- Address the SWOT
In the current environment we are finding our business clients are largely dealing with the following factors, that are hindering their ability to achieve their targets
- Recruitment and retention of staff
- Supply chain disruptions
- Increase in labour, material and freight costs and the impact on margins
- Cashflow impacts with delays in invoicing due to challenges in getting product and services delivered due to staff shortages and supply chain disruptions
- Managing customer expectations where there are delays in delivery or you cannot deliver
- Internal processes that are heavily reliant on labour
It is important that all businesses address these and other factors which may HINDER the business’ ability to achieve their targets.
From our recent experience when working with leadership teams through the above process, we have found they are able to find the solutions within and identify the strategies to navigate these challenges, achieve their targets and grow a sustainable profitable business.
For any enquiries please contact us HERE or at or call us on
(08) 6212 7200.