Business Growth Network round 3, 2019: Discovering what every leader needs to know to keep their business innovative.
September 2019
Business innovation is a catch-22, ignore the latest trends and get left behind, or get caught up in ‘the next big thing’ and risk taking your eye off the ball. At our latest Business Growth Network (BGN) breakfast we discussed the role of the leader in maintaining a balanced approach to innovation in business. Session highlights included:
- Best practice for driving innovation in a business, what practical actions can be put in place today to do things differently?
- Ensuring your team stays curious. How they can spot appropriate innovation opportunities.
- Uncovering the hype vs. reality of emerging technologies, finding the right pace of change.
- Emerging ‘wild cat’ innovation opportunities to drive product development strategy. What tactics do you need to embrace to take advantage of emerging trends?
All our sessions are highly practical, we spend time discussing and developing strategies and transforming them into actions to take away and implement for an immediate impact on our attendees’ business.
As usual, this session was well received by participants, who generally all value the opportunity to discuss the issues with other like-minded business owners.
“Very thought provoking. Big ideas that I can implement in my small business.” ~Tony
If you’re interested in joining our dynamic, high-value learning sessions please get in contact today.